- Phone : 216-795-7070
- Email : ctix@karamuhouse.org

The Second Line Parade + Sneaker Ball is an annual benefit for Karamu House, the nation’s oldest Black producing theatre. Today, Karamu’s mission is to produce professional theatre, provide arts education, and present community programs for all people while honoring the Black experience. As a non-profit organization, Karamu House depends on the support of its donors and patrons to continue its rich legacy of providing unique, culturally, and socially responsive programming.
Honoree Sponsor (1 Available)
Mainstage Sponsor (4 Available)
(3 Available)
Interested in being a Second Line sponsor? Please download and fill out the pledge form using the button below, and email to the contact info listed underneath.
Please contact Ramona Givner at 216-795-7070 or rgivner@karamuhouse.org with questions (or) return form and payment to Karamu House, ATTN: Sponsorships, 2355 E. 89th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
(2 Available)
(1 Available)
(4 Available)
Interested in being a Second Line sponsor? Please download and fill out the pledge form using the button below, and email to the contact info listed underneath.
Please contact Ramona Givner at 216-795-7070 or rgivner@karamuhouse.org with questions (or) return form and payment to Karamu House, ATTN: Sponsorships, 2355 E. 89th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
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