- Phone : 216-795-7070
- Email : ctix@karamuhouse.org

Directed by TREVA OFFUTT And
Directed by ERRIN WEAVER & TONY F. SIAS Choreographed by ERRIN WEAVER
**Seeking Equity and non-Equity actors, singers, and dancers of ALL ethnicities***
All auditions will be in person at Karamu House Thursday August 1st from 6p-9:30p, and Sunday August 4th 1p-5p.
Purlie Victorious & Weathering: Please prepare two contrasting monologues, no more than three minutes total. If your package is longer than three minutes, we will stop your audition.
Black Nativity:
Please prepare two contrasting vocal pieces (up tempo and ballad), no more than 1 min 30 sec each. These selections can be in the style of gospel, Christian contemporary, or a Christmas carol.
Visit this SignUp Genius link (SIGN UP) and choose a time and date. Auditions are in person on Thursday, August 1st 6p-9:30p and Sunday, August 4th from 1p-5p.
If selected, you will be notified via email for call backs. Call backs will take place in person at Karamu House on Wednesday, August 7th from 6p-10p.
** There will be four AEA Contracts available, one per production** All actors receive compensation for their work in our productions. Housing and Travel are not provided. Equity members appear under a GA Tier 2 contract. Non-Equity members receive a modest stipend.
Karamu House is always hiring contractors on a per show basis for the following production positions: Stage Management, Board Operators, Dressers, Carpenters, Electricians, and Run Crew. If interested, please send your resume and statement of interest via email to smcmanus@karamuhouse.org.
Phone calls will not be accepted.
PURLIE VICTORIOUS | written by Ossie Davis
Synopsis: Purlie Victorious Judson has returned to Cotchipee County, Georgia with a singular mission: to buy back his beloved Big Bethel so that he may preach freedom to the cotton patch. With the wholesome, yet unworldly Lutibelle Gussie Mae Jenkins in tow, Purlie hatches a scheme to get his family’s inheritance back from the oppressive Ol’ Cap’n Cotchipee.
Purlie Victorious Judson – Black male. Mid-late 30s. A fiery young preacher who has come back home to buy his family’s church, Big Bethel, back from Ol’ Cap’n Cotchipee, and achieve freedom for the cotton patch.
Lutiebelle Gussie Mae Jenkins – Black female. Mid-late 20s. A young, naïve woman from Alabama who has been recruited by Purlie to achieve his goal, and falls in love with him in the process.
Missy Judson – Black Female. Mid-late 40s. The prudent matriarch of the Judson family, she is Gitlow’s wife and shares Purlie’s dream of reclaiming Big Bethel.
Gitlow Judson – Black Male. Mid-late 40s. Purlie’s brother and Missy’s husband, more amenable to plantation life than Purlie, so much so that he is appointed “Deputy-for-the-Colored” by Ol’Cap’n himself.
Ol’ Cap’n Cotchipee – White Male. Mid-late 60s. Owner of the Cotchipee plantation, Ol’ Cap’n resists reconstruction and couldn’t be more content with his life and the racist practices of the South that he benefits from.
Charlie Cotchipee – White Male. Early-mid 20s. Ol’ Cap’n Cotchipee’s liberal son who opposes his father’s unwillingness to accept the new laws concerning Black Americans.
Idella Landy – Black Female. 50s-60s. The no-nonsense pseudo-matriarch of the Cotchipee household, Ol’ Cap’n and Charlie couldn’t function without her, and she knows it.
The Sheriff – White Male. 40s-50s. The bumbling sheriff of Cotchipee County who assists Ol’Cap’n with enforcing his rules on the plantation. The
Deputy – White Male. 20s-30s. The equally doltish subordinate of the sheriff.
Sept. 27-Oct. 20, 2024 (all schedules subject to change) PURLIE VICTORIOUS: Rehearsals M-Th 6:30-10:30 pm & Sundays 1:00-6:00 pm Performances: Fridays & Saturdays @ 7:30 pm Saturday Matinees @ 2:00 pm, Sunday Matinees @ 3pm (see additional dates & times below) 1st Rehearsal- On or around August 19th Tech rehearsals-September 21-25 Preview Night- September 26 Opening Night- September 27 Wednesday Matinees- October 10th @ 11am Closing – October 20th
BLACK NATIVITY | With book and lyrics written by Langston Hughes music written by Aaron Robinson
Synopsis: Langston Hughes’ famed retelling of The Nativity Story, performed in a gospel style, and including popular Christmas carols.
Seeking an ensemble of singers, dancers, and actors to retell Christianity’s famous Nativity story. Traditionally, the play has been performed in a gospel style, which includes Christmas carols. The birth of Jesus plays prominently in the play’s production.
Nov. 30-Dec. 15, 2024 (all schedules subject to change) Black Nativity: Rehearsals M-Th 6:30-10:30 pm & Sundays 2:00-7:00 pm Performances-Wed-Sat. @ 7:30 pm, Thursday Matinee @ 11:00am Saturday Matinee @ 2pm Sunday Matinee @ 3:00 pm (see additional dates & times below) 1st Rehearsal- On or around October 7 Tech rehearsals-November 23-28 Preview Night- November 29 Opening Night- November 30 Thursday Matinees- December 5th & 12th @ 11am Closing – December 15
WEATHERING | written by Harrison David Rivers
Synopsis: After experiencing a profound loss, a grieving mother is held close by a spirited circle of family, neighbors, and friends. Surrounded by laughter, tears, and impromptu dance parties, she makes the slow journey through heartbreak, back to herself.
WOMAN (LENA): Black, late 20s-early/mid 30s. Repressed, frustrated and intelligent young woman grieving the loss of her first child
MAN (NATHAN): Black, late 20s-early/mid 30s. Lena’s husband, struggling just as much as Lena, but can’t show her.
MOTHER (EASTER): Black, early/mid 60s. Lena’s mother who just wants her to rest. She means well, but clashes with her daughters over what she thinks they need and what they actually need.
NEIGHBOR (TURTLE): Any race-female early/mid 30s. High-energy. Good intentions but tends to say the wrong thing.
CHURCH LADY (MARGARET WILSON): Black, Mid/late 60s. Food is her medicine. Matronly and caring, she attempts to help Lena with anecdotes and casserole.
FRIEND (JO): Black, late 20s-Early/mid 30s. Lena’s understanding best friend. Her tools for Lena’s recovery are alcohol and company.
SISTER (NIKKO): Black, mid/late 20s. Quick-witted. Knows how to make her sister smile, and her mother rolls her eyes.
March 7-30, 2024 (all schedules subject to change) Weathering: Rehearsals: M-Th 6:30-10:30 pm & Sundays 1:00-6:00 pm Performances: Fridays & Saturdays @ 7:30 pm Saturday Matinees @ 2:00 pm, Sunday Matinees @ 3pm (see additional dates & times below) 1st Rehearsal- On or around January 27 Tech rehearsals-March 1-5 Preview Night- March 6 Opening Night- March 7 Thursday Matinee- March 20 @ 11am Closing- March 30
****You must be vaccinated to be cast in this production
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