- Phone : 216-795-7077
- Email : ctix@karamuhouse.org

Whether remembering Karamu House in your will, establishing an income-producing gift, or giving appreciated stock, you can help ensure that Karamu remains an arts leader in our community, and continues to transform lives and provide arts experiences for the benefit of all.
A gift under your Will or Trust to Karamu House enables you to make a gift that you may not be able to make during your lifetime. A bequest can be made through a percentage bequest, specific bequest, general bequest, or residual bequest.
A 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, SEP, or other qualified plan is one of the best ways to fund a charitable gift, whether during your life or at death. At death, retirement-plan assets are subject to estate and income tax. If you give all or a portion of your assets to Karamu House, the value of the interest passing to Karamu House is fully deductible for estate-tax purposes.
If you are carrying more insurance coverage than your family obligations require, you may find a hidden gift asset in a surplus, paid-up policy. Alternately, you could create a gift for the future by taking out a new policy on your life insurance and naming Karamu House as the owner and beneficiary.
A charitable lead trust generates income for Karamu House now, while reducing the tax cost in transferring assets to future generations. A lead trust holds gift assets for a lifetime or for a term of years, and pays annual income to benefit Karamu House while your family enjoys several tax benefits.
Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover:
How an IRA charitable rollover gift works
Karamu House recommends that you consult with your personal legal and/or financial advisors before making a planned gift.
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